JUDICIARY Latest Features

12th East Africa Magistrates and Judges Association Conference.

The 12th East Africa Magistrates & Judges Association\r\nconference was opened by HE Uhuru Kenyatta President of Kenya at\r\nIntercontinental Hotel Nairobi. The conference was attended by 300 judicial\r\nofficers from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi & South Sudan.\r\nZambia & Swaziland also sent delegations. 

The theme of the conference was: "Administration of Justice in the Region: Reflections & Perspectives". Uganda\r\nwas represented by 50 judicial officers from all levels of courts led by The Ag. Chief justice Hon\r\nJustice Stephen Kavuma, the Principal Judge Hon. Justice Yorokamu Bamwine & H/W Paul Gadenya the Chief Registrar. 

Topics that were discussed include; Constitutional\r\nsanctioned principle of separation of powers, Justice sector collaboration in\r\nadministration of justice, protection of rights of children, women and elderly,\r\nthe relationship between the East Africa Court of Justice and National Courts.\r\nThe conference ended on Friday 17th October 2014.





Posted 14th, October 2014
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